ESG Assessment & Due Diligence

ESG Reporting & Disclosures

Sustainability Strategy & Roadmap


Plastic & Carbon Credits

Environment & Social Audit

Carbon Footprint Assessment

Decarbonisation strategy

Life Cycle Assessment

Nature Based Solutions

Green Investment Consultancy

Green Building Consultancy

#1 Sustainability Reporting/ Roadmap, Carbon Footprint

In today's world, organizations face increasing scrutiny and pressure to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. ESG reporting has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to communicate their environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices to stakeholders, including investors, employees, customers, and communities.

At Trendsetters Skill Assessors (TSA), we understand that ESG reporting goes beyond compliance; it is an opportunity for companies to enhance their brand reputation, attract investments, and drive long-term value. Our comprehensive suite of ESG services enables organizations to identify, measure, and communicate their sustainability performance effectively.

The evolving global landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting has prompted Indian business leaders to recognize the importance of aligning corporate purpose with broader stakeholder concerns. India has demonstrated commitment to ESG initiatives through regulatory frameworks like the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) introduced by SEBI in 2021.

Climate Change, Carbon & Plastic Credits

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s,human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. And emissions continue to rise. As a result, the Earth is now about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s. The last decade (2011-2020) was the warmest on record.

Burning fossil fuels generates Green House Gas emissions (GHGs) that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures. GHG emissions come from using gasoline for driving a car or burning coal for heating a building or for producing electricity.

Further, Plastics are also threatening the ability of the global community to keep global temperature rise, as greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted throughout the plastic life cycle. Indeed, extraction, refining and manufacture of plastics are all carbon intensive activities. At the disposal stage, incineration of plastic waste releases significant GHG into the atmosphere, alongside toxic pollutants. Other disposal methods, including recycling, also come with their share of GHG emissions.

Forests and Plants act as Natural Sink by absorbing Carbon Dioxide however, by an estimate, anthropic consumption of Fossil Fuels produces so much Carbon Dioxide that only approx. one third of it is possible to get absorbed by the entire Green cover on Earth. Therefore, two third is still left out and it hangs in our atmosphere engulfing the globe like a blanket thereby causing Green House effect. Clearing land and forests can also release carbon dioxide. Landfills for garbage are a major source of Methane emissions. Energy, industry, transport, buildings, agriculture and land use are among the main emitters.

Because the Earth is a system, where everything is connected, changes in one area can influence changes in all others. The consequences of climate change now include, among others, intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity.

Therefore, countries across the globe came together and signed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, with the aim to prevent/ arrest Global Warming trend & its impact on Climate.

Over the following two decades, different National and International bodies right from the level of UNO (United Nations Organisation) down to local Governments, came up with various methodologies, programs, mechanisms & concepts to monitor, evaluate & verify adverse climate impact induced by Organisations, Companies, Businesses, Manufacturing & Energy sectors, practices and individuals.

All these mechanisms are primarily aimed to limit (ultimately eliminate) levels of Carbon Dioxide (& equivalent) pollutants, Waste & Plastic management, Water management and improve living standards of global population, as a step towards sustainable environment.

These mechanisms are complicated and scientific enough, for organisations to understand and comply with. To assist organisations in this compliance, we provide services like testing, inspection, auditing, evaluation, monitoring, validation, verification, assurance, counselling and credits-trading, for Green projects being pursued under following methodologies/ programs:

  • a. CDM methodology (Clean Development Mechanism) of UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).
  • b. Verra Registry Programs (USA):
    • i. Plastic Waste Reduction Standard.
    • ii. SD VISta (Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard).
    • iii. CCB Standard (Climate, Community & Biodiversity).
    • iv. VCS (Verified Carbon Standard).
  • c. GS4GG (Gold Standard for Global Goals).
  • d. GCC (Global Carbon Council), Qatar.
  • e. GES (Global Emissions Standard), USA.
  • f. Social Carbon Standard.
  • g. CCBA (Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance).

We offer 29 different climate impacting services which have been broadly categorised into three buckets:

  • a. CDM methodology (Clean Development Mechanism) of UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change).
  • b. Verra Registry Programs (USA):
    • i. Plastic Waste Reduction Standard.
    • ii. SD VISta (Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard).
    • iii. CCB Standard (Climate, Community & Biodiversity).
    • iv. VCS (Verified Carbon Standard).
  • c. GS4GG (Gold Standard for Global Goals).
  • d. GCC (Global Carbon Council), Qatar.
  • e. GES (Global Emissions Standard), USA.
  • f. Social Carbon Standard.
  • g. CCBA (Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance).

We offer 29 different climate impacting services which have been broadly categorised into three buckets:


ESG & BRSR Reporting

Preparation & submission of ESG report as mandated by SEBI (Securities...

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Carbon Credits & Offset

Consultancy services to Project Proponent for making PDD (Project Design Document) or PoA (Programme of Activities) for....

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Plastic Credits & EPR

Consultancy services to Project Proponent for making PDD (Project Design Document) for their Plastic Waste Reduction...

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Investor Consulting in Environmental Projects

Risk Analysis of an Environment based investment Project, its Validation and subseqent Verification/ Audit of...

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Carbon Advisory Services

Assess your business operations and calibrate switch to renewable energy sources to ensure minimisation...

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Plastic Advisory Services

Consultancy services for making PDD (Project Design Document) for your Plastic Waste Reduction Project...

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Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) & Sectors

Assist in development of Projects in 14 Sectors aligned with the 17 SDG Goals...

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Social Audit

Review your company's endeavors, procedures, and code of conduct regarding social responsibility and its...

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Environment Audit

Assess effectiveness of your environmental sustainability efforts.

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Nature Based Solutions

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are powerful tools to capture carbon...

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Airport Carbon Accreditation

Airports have long been addressing sustainability issues, from noise,...

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Independent/ Local Evaluation Expert (IEE)

Validation and Verification of SD VISta project by Verra Registered IEE ...

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