Carbon Advisory Services

1. Use of Renewable Energy (RE) sources for energy generation gives a massive thrust towards attainment of sustainability goals and dissipate effects of 'Climate Change and Global Warming’.
Many countries have brought in regulations to make industries compliant with their renewable energy generation and consumption targets. In some areas, the economics and other market factors might not support investment in a RE project or signing an RE PPA (Power Purchase Agreement).
On other hand in other areas the policies are in favour of such investments and might result in surplus RE power generation. This arbitrary opportunity supports a market creation for trading of the green/renewable attribute of electricity.
We assist in assessing your business operations and calibrate switch to renewable energy sources to ensure minimisation of fossil fuel consumption - without disrupting business.

2. Develop a carbon offset strategy for your business through carbon trading and exchange.
Government Regulations and actions in different countries are itself not sufficient to deal with carbon change impacts and more so in reversing the rise in global temperature.
Therefore, in addition to the compliance mechanism like CDM, other regional ETS and Carbon Tax mechanisms, corporate and individuals are taking it upon themselves to contribute and create tangible impacts in the fight against trending Global Warming & Climate change. Therefore, it is termed as Voluntary as these actions are not mandated under any Government law for reducing or neutralizing emissions.
The first step is to optimize internal processes to reduce emission and carbon intensity of their products and services. After a certain level of abatement, further reduction of emission is not economically feasible, that’s when Carbon Offset can help such actors bridge the gap in reaching their carbon neutrality ambitions.
The next big hurdle is to select the right kind of carbon offset. The parameters to consider while selecting a carbon offset are to ensure that, the net reductions are Real, Additional, Quantifiable, Permanent & 3rd-party verified.
Our professionals do all the due diligence on your behalf to ensure that you get the right kind of offsets from the right project that suits your organization’s interest and priorities.
3. We help in building your own carbon offset program by fully managing projects that may include forestry, natural resources, renewable energy sources and other innovative avenues.