Carbon Credits

1. Consultancy services to Project Proponent for making PDD (Project Design Document) or PoA (Programme of Activities) for your GHG reduction Project and getting it registered in various Registries like UNFCCC, Verra, Gold Standard, Global Carbon Council (GCC) and more.
2. Preparation and submission of CPA (Component Project Acitivities) with UNFCCC for a registered CDM project (Clean Development Mechanism).
CDM allows emission-reduction (or emission removal) projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2. These CERs can be traded and sold, and used by industrialized countries to meet a part of their emission reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

3. Prepare Monitoring report on Emission Reductions of your Green Project, for Audit by a Validation & Verification Body (VVB)/ DOE (Designated Operational Entity).
4. Appointment of VVB/ DOE, closure of CL (Clarification Request), CAR (Corrective Action Request), FAR (Forward Action Request) raised on the Monitoring Report and ensure preparation of final Verification Report.
5. Assist in issuance of Carbon Credits by the Registry (UNFCCC, Verra, GS, GCC etc) and/ or sell profitably - find Buyers, negotiate deal, sign contract and oversee sale.
6. Assist in CDM compliance - procure Carbon credits at lowest price, negotiate deal, sign contract, buy and retire Credits.We manage verification and credit retirement process on all international carbon registries and assist in getting certification of offsets.