Investor Consulting in Environmental Projects

1. We provide these services as a Fiduciary of our Investor clients in order to ensure that their interests are above ours and it is our duty to preserve good fath and trust.
Global ESG assets are on track to exceed $53 trillion by 2025, representing more than a third of the $140.5 trillion in projected total assets under management - Bloomberg*.
We provide Risk Analysis of an Environment based investment Project (Carbon, Plastics, Land, Agriculture, Renewable energy, NBS & more), its Validation and subseqent Verification/ Audit of project implementation/ progress.
We assist not only in deploying projects globally, but also ensure long term efficient and effective implementation and management of project on ground with the support of specialised national and international teams.
2. Climate risk had been seen as an Investment Risk. However by 2021, a Tectonic shift had been experienced with investors money in Sustainable projects reaching staggering USD 4 Trillion*.
We Consult & Create/ Find Projects for our Investor clients, that reduce emissions, are sustainable, and delivers best value to people’s lives on the basis of knowledge of international system and processes, offer project engineering support, Contract Signing, Finalise implementation Agency, supervise execution & outcome.
*CEO Blackrock in Annual Report 2022
Nature Based Solutions (NBS)

3. Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are powerful tools to capture carbon from the atmosphere. They are sustainable solutions that harness the power of nature itself to address a whole range of environmental, social and economic challenges. It is the sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems to reverse the adverse effects of climate change.
A well designed NBS can play a pivotal role to not only reach net-zero emissions but also in mitigating adverse climate change through protection, restoration and management of natural and semi-natural ecosystems, economic recovery and biodiversity conservation whilst supporting other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We provide expert counseling on selection & implementation of right NBS for the successful generation of NBS based Carbon Credits.