1. Carbon Footprint Assessment

Carbon footprint is a significant measurement of a company’s impact on the environment. Assessing your carbon footprint can help you in aligning your carbon goals with India’s commitment to become Net Zero by 2070.
Over the past years there has been increased pressure on corporates to reduce their carbon footprint within their own operations and value chain to keep global warming below 2 degree Celsius.
Our ISO certified Greenhouse Gas Emissions auditors help your business in measuring, managing and mitigating your carbon footprint. We undertake,
1. GHG Inventorisation – We quantify emissions from various sources such as energy consumption, transportation, waste, combustion etc as per Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
2. GHG Footprint Calculation – We calculate your overall GHG Footprint in C02 equivalent using emission factors from agencies such as DEFRA and IPCC across your overall operations. We cover,
a) Scope 1 Emissions (Direct Emissions) –Emissions generated from controlled or owned sources such as combustion of fuels, mobile sources, industrial processes, waste or wastewater treatment etc.
b) Scope 2 Emissions (Indirect Emissions) –Emissions generated from consumption of purchased energy.
c) Scope 3 Emissions (Indirect Emissions) – Emissions generated from activities that are not under company’s direct control, such as business travel, employee commute, supply chain etc.
We also facilitate GHG Accounting as per the latest CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism) regulations for exporters to European Union (EU).
2. Decarbonisation Strategy
We identify the areas of highest emissions and give an elaborate plan to reduce emissions through energy efficiency, adoption of renewable energy, fuel switching, carbon capture and storage etc in line with your company’s goals and regulatory requirements.
We help in achieving the following,
a) Carbon Neutrality & Net Zero:
After optimizing the internal processes and switching to 100% renewable energy, we help you in achieving carbo neutrality through carbon offsets. We invest in high-quality carbon offset projects that result in real, additional, and verifiable emission reductions or removals.
We help you in achieving carbon neutrality certification as per the PAS 2060 standard.
We also help you set your carbon reduction in targets in line with Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). We help in setting the target, as well as in the validation and verification process.

b) Renewable Energy Adoption: We assist in assessing your business operations and calibrate switch to renewable energy sources to ensure minimisation of fossil fuel consumption without disrupting your daily business.
We support clients in development, financing and implementation of renewable energy products tailored to your unique needs.
3. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Our ISO certified auditors help you in understanding your product’s impact on environment in terms of carbon emissions, waste production, energy and water consumption starting right from raw material extraction until its disposal.
We offer,
i) Cradle – to – Gate
ii) Cradle – to – Grave
iii) Cradle – to Cradle
Conducting a LCA can help you in understanding how your product can be made more environmentally efficient and help you gain an edge in the market.
4. Carbon Credits & Plastic Credits
We offer end-to-end carbon and plastic credit services, where we help you in,
i) Designing the Project Design Document (PDD)
ii) Registering with various registries such as UNFCC, Gold Standard, Verra and Global Carbon Council
iii) Preparation of a monitoring report for emissions reduction in the Green Project
iv) Submission to a Validation & Verification Body (VVB) for audit
v) Preparation of final verification report
vi) Assist in issuance of carbon credits by registry
vii) Assist in sale of credits by finding buyers and negotiating a deal to sell at a profit